Harvest Life Youth Group

Ages 12-18

“For many are called, but few are CHOSEN.

Matthew 22:14

Our Goal: Getting young people to the place where they Choose to be Chosen


Led by Reuben Garrett and his wonderful team


Chosen. - Friday Nights

Our Chosen Friday night program runs from 6.30-8.30. These nights start off with Phones, Food and Fellowship at 6.30pm where we all sit around a table, chill out over food and fellowship as a group. Then from 7.00 onwards phones go away, we play games, do a short devotion and  then play more games! Our Friday nights serve  as a safe fun place for young people to feel comfortable, build friendships, have a laugh and find a personal faith in Jesus.

Chosen. Discipleship Night

Chosen Discipleship Night, advertised as CDN, is our new program. This runs on a Monday night and tackles the big questions What Now? Reuben calls CDN a bible study with a twist as he leads the discussion in a fun engaging way, getting the young people on fire for God. CDN aims to train up and equip the next generation with living word of God.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Meet Our Team

We have a team of 6 leaders here at chosen. Reuben Garret is the Director of the group, He is 20 years old and is currently studying at AlphaCrucis Bible College. He is an intern at Harvest Life Church with the goal of becoming a full time Pastor one day. The other leaders include Olivia Liddicoat, Callum Dent and Cameron Dowling, all of which serve in other departments throughout the church. Pastor Phil and Lisa Dent also operate as oversight. 

For anymore information please contact details below.    Reuben Garrett                                                                                          Phone: 0226890102                                                                                      Email:

social media


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Click the image above and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We post videos from camps, highlight reels from the year plus so much more!